Minting Event and Global Pool Distribution

The minting of NFTs is a weekly event in Mega Maker, taking place every Monday from 00:00 to 23:59 UTC. During this period, the claim of the Global Pool is temporarily suspended to facilitate the fair redistribution of shares, which are then available for claim on the following Tuesday, starting at 00:00 UTC.

The Mega Maker NFT Collection is not just a set of digital assets; it's a bridge to active participation, engagement, and recognition within the ecosystem. The NFTs encapsulate the ethos of Mega Maker's decentralized economy, rewarding contributions, encouraging education in decentralized finance, and strengthening community governance. With the incorporation of these NFTs, Mega Maker reaffirms its commitment to an inclusive, educational, and progressive ecosystem, where each participant has the opportunity to contribute, learn, and grow.

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